When you’re considering your personal tax and accounting needs, it’s best to start with a plan. The more you think ahead, the better your results.
Lethert will work with you, strategizing ways to reduce your tax liability, handle your wealth, and prepare for the future. Perhaps you’re ready for a new business venture. Maybe you’re heading toward a divorce. Or you need to consolidate your records or outsource your trustee duties. Whatever it is, we’re here to walk you through it.
Other areas where we can assist you include:
• Interest-paying Accounts
• Second Mortgages
• Capital Gains
• State and Local Taxes
Wherever you’re going with your family, your career, your life, trust in the team at Lethert to help you get there! Call us today for a personal consultation with one of our highly qualified advisers.
All partners work in this area, usually in tandem with a business, but often for complex individuals. Call the front desk (651-224-5721) to assist on finding the right fit.